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Get Published On The 9-Figure Traffic Mega-Site And Unlock FIVE Huge Organic Traffic Sources Getting Billions Of Visitors Per Month…

Drive New Leads, Sales & Customers Into Your Business From A Fresh New Source Of Virtually Untapped Traffic

Big News From The Traffic Lab!

Let’s get straight to the point…

A little while ago, I discovered a way to unlock access to billions of monthly visitors, using Microsoft’s

I’ve been in the traffic lab for months now, refining the method to make it so simple, anybody can use it.

And I finally cracked it.

What you’re about to see on this page, lets you tap into several huge and overlooked sources of organic traffic…

… you can use it to promote your business or website…

… get more visitors, leads and sales…

… and it even has the potential for explosive traffic spikes too.

It all starts with the strange and important discovery I made…

Millions Of Visitors Have Been Driven Using This Classic Traffic Strategy & Microsoft’s MSN.Com Gives Us A New Way To Do It!

A Source Of 8,000,000,000+ Monthly Visitors Was Hiding In Plain Sight!

Organic search traffic is the best traffic for growing any business.

So I’m always looking for ways to get more of it.

Google, Bing and Yahoo are the world’s Top 3 search engines.

Their search results pages are often very similar…

… but with one very notable exception.

A huge, multi-billion dollar website:

Bing and Yahoo LOVE ranking content from

But Google... does not.

It seemed strange at first. is a HUGE site with MASSIVE authority, TONS of content and HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of visitors every month.

It made me wonder…

Why wouldn’t Google want to rank a site like this?

Then it clicked…

Sergey Brin Vs Bill Gates in Boxing Match
Microsoft & Google Are Fierce Rivals – Which Revealed A Vast And Totally Overlooked Traffic Opportunity For Us!

Microsoft owns…

… AND it owns Bing Search…

… AND it owns Bing News…

… AND it owns Windows…

… AND even Yahoo uses Bing Data!

Millions upon millions of people use these platforms every day.

So Google just doesn’t want to send traffic to the competition!

Makes sense, right?

And that gave me an idea…

… If Google isn’t responsible for the traffic these sites get…

… and they’re getting BILLIONS of visitors each month…

… could there be an UNTAPPED traffic opportunity here…

… and could be the key to unlocking it?

After extensive testing, I discovered the answer was “Yes”.

(and I even managed to get Google on board too...)

Experiment #1: Local Real Estate Niche

Local Msn
Google Wants To Hide It; But Our MSN Traffic Strategy Just Grabbed Featured Ranking In Bing Search & #1 In Bing News!
(Hint: It’s All About Getting More Clicks!)

The Enormous (And Little-Known) Traffic Power Of Microsoft's MSN.Com

In all my time driving traffic and growing businesses online…

I can tell you this one thing for sure…

You grow a business faster by AVOIDING COMPETITION…

By leveraging the ‘untapped’ and ‘overlooked’ opportunities…

This MSN Traffic Strategy opens up a whole new world of “low competition” traffic for you.

While this strategy certainly works to get more Google traffic…

The REAL POWER is how you can quickly tap into the vast ocean of traffic from MSN, Bing, Bing News and Yahoo…

Just look at the untapped traffic potential here…

MSN Alone Gets Over 700 Million Visitors Per Month…
Bing & Bing News Serve Over 3.1 Billion Visitors Per Month…
Yahoo Serves Over 4.5 Billion Visitors Per Month!
PLUS – MSN & Bing Are Also Native To Millions Of Daily Active Windows Users With Apps On Desktop & Mobile Devices Too

So you see…

Each platform receives millions upon millions of people DAILY.

This is SERIOUS traffic that’s almost completely overlooked.

And we discovered the “back door” into all of it…

The Fastest Way To Get Organic Traffic Online Is By Leveraging The Power & Authority Of Existing Brands

With enough power and authority, it’s MUCH EASIER to get traffic and make more sales.

For Example – With Enough Power And Authority:

Of course, it takes a LONG time and a LOT of money to build a site like…

Fortunately, you don’t have to.

We found a way to leverage MSN’s existing power and authority, to promote your business.

We can even use a special kind of blog post I’ve refined, to grow your traffic more rapidly…

Experiment #2: eCommerce Eyewear Niche

eCommerce Msn EyeWear
Top Rankings In Bing News & Search With Featured Snippets Too! All Thanks To A Special Style Of Blog Post &

Tap Into 8 Billion+ Monthly Users With A Special Type Of Blog Post

The best results I’ve seen come from publishing a special kind of blog post to

There’s not enough room to go into great detail here, but it revolves around a proven strategy to get more and more clicks.

This special kind of post has the potential to:

A Special Type Of Blog Post Has The Potential To Generate Significant Traffic Spikes IN ADDITION To Regular Traffic Scaling

It doesn’t happen every time (it doesn’t need to); but we can certainly stack the odds in our favor.

The viral potential works as a kind of “added bonus” to an already powerful traffic strategy.

Even without it though, the strategy works to consistently stack and scale your traffic, even for the most difficult projects…

… a brand new site!

6,944 Organic Visitors In 72 Days From MSN.Com Even To A Brand New Site!

Getting organic traffic to a brand new site is notoriously difficult.

Because a brand new site has ZERO power and authority.

Search engine algorithms rarely give them much attention.

So when I saw a brand new site getting almost 7,000 visitors in just 72 days from MSN – I realized just how powerful this was…

News Site
The MSN Strategy Can Drive Significant Traffic DIRECTLY Even To Brand New Websites – No More Waiting Months To Scale!

Not only do you have a new and reliable way to scale organic traffic to your website or business…

… you now have a way to help even a brand new or undeveloped site get traffic faster – and scale its power and authority sooner.

This powerful effect compounds.

All you need now is a way to consistently get published on and unleash its traffic potential…

Introducing Microsoft MSN Publishing...

Microsoft MSN Publishing is your complete solution to getting content published on consistently and repeatedly, without all the usual cost and complication.

Using our methods and this new distribution channel, you can tap into billions of overlooked monthly visitors from MSN, Bing, Bing News, Yahoo… even Google too!

Look At How Many Ways A Single MSN Post Can Drive Traffic To Your Business...

MSN Traffic Flow
Any ONE Of These Traffic Streams Can Drive Sales & Profits And Our Strategy Gives You The Opportunity To Leverage Them All!

Select Your Microsoft MSN Publishing Package Below:

(bigger packages give you bigger savings)